Sunday, July 07, 2013

Our Second Attempt At Ullscarf

Last Friday we set off to attempt Ullscarf for the second time.  It is the only fell to have defeated us previously, we had attempted it a week after Bess died but turned back when the weather looked like it was worsening so thought it was fitting to do it on another anniversary (our 5th wedding).

The route we had used previously was very boggy so we decided to attack it from another angle.

We parked at the car park at Dobgill Bridge & were straight onto the path (Crag was happy as it was a 100% off lead walk for him).

The first section was through the forest where there has been a lot of felling due to diseased Larch trees.



Andy looked enviously at this pile wondering if we could roll it down the hill to the car!


There are some waterfalls on Dob Gill



And we are out of the trees and at Harrop Tarn


Some dodgy boardwalk (we have reported it!)


And out onto the open fell, we are aiming for the rocks in the distance (Standing Crag).


Looking back down at the forest we had come up through


We are forced due to the boggy nature up here to walk in a right angle to Standing Crag.


This fence will take us to the summit.  We had followed this man and his dog all the way from the car park but he has turned to head for Watendlath Fell


A couple of people are behind us having come up via the fence


The fence veers off to the right, but the easiest way up looks to be to the left.


Blea Tarn


Now the navigation error, we have got around Standing Crag & had planned to rejoin the fence but it was a bit higher than us & we decided to contour around – MISTAKE


We are distracted by what looks like snow (it can’t be)


The summit is on the horizon (or so we think), so we head for it (over some very undulating ground)


Crag trying to decide if it’s too deep for him (he didn’t risk it)


We reached the summit only to realise we were not on the summit of Ullscarf.  This fell seems determined to beat us, but we weren’t going to let it.  So with memory map switched on we marched to the correct summit of Ullscarf (726m)


And to prove it (we are at the red circle)


The mist just catching the top of Pillar


The fence that is marked on the map isn’t there but a few of the posts still remain.


A bit hazy but Bassenthwaite Lake & Derwent Water are visible (as is Windermere to the SE)


We descend via the fence line which proves a far shorter & easier route than the one we took up.


Blea Tarn again


Cottongrass only grows on very boggy ground & this whole fell range seems to be boggy.


Apart from our unintentional detour to the summit it was a there & back walk.  Here we are at Harrop Tarn again.


And the last steep descent through the forest.  There has been work to the path as stones have been laid but it was the first time we had come across a path that felt great going up but rather slippy & adverse cambers to come back down.


Anyway Ullscarf it may have taken us two attempts but we can mark you as done & know it is very unlikely we will walk up you again!

As for our Wainwrights that is the Central Fells done, apart from Castle Crag (which we are saving for last) we now only have Eastern, Far Eastern & Southern Fells to complete & there are 30 of those.  This shows the ones we have yet to cross off.


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