Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Few Days With Karen's Parents

Last Sunday Karen's parents (Anne & Ian) came to stay for a few days. The weather was forecast to be very wet every day so we were unsure how far we would get. On Monday afternoon it cleared up & we walked for a couple of hours along the cycle track. On Tuesday it didn't look too bad so we set off for Keswick. We had wanted to get Anne & Ian up one Wainwright & Latrigg seemed the perfect choice as you can park at 295m & the fell is only 368m. Since we were last there we knew the "miles without stiles" team had put a new path in so it should be a good surface all the way to the top. Near the start looking up at Skiddaw Little Man Heading up the new path & although it wanders its way up the fell so is a bit further than the old route it is a great surface.
We just had Crag with us & he was happy chasing sticks. It was dry but very windy which meant he was having to run a long way to retrieve them
The path continues on
Our first glimpse of Keswick & Derwent Water (note the storm clouds gathering)
Bassenthwaite Lake in the distance
The last of the days sun (although we didn't know it at the time) falls on Little Man & Skiddaw
A rather windswept Karen & Andy
A lovely viewpoint overlooking Keswick & Derwent Water. At this point we were about to turn & head for the summit when the rain came, we were only 30m of ascent short of the summit but we decided to turn back. That was a good decision as the rain turned briefly to snow & not so briefly to hail which wasn't very pleasant. A walk that won't be forgotten and a fell we will get to the top of with Anne & Ian another day.
Wednesday was forecast to be better so we decided to head for Ennerdale. We have some fixed point pictures to take on the way to Black Sail & by parking beyond Gillerthwaite we shorten the distance to Black Sail to 3.5miles.
Looking up at Pillar, Scoat Fell & Steeple
Plenty of water gushing through the various gills
Again it is a good walking surface along the valley floor
Pillar & Pillar Rock
Pillar bridge where we take the first couple of panoramas
This area was felled a few years ago Further down the track & the bottom of the valley comes into view
And looking back up Anglers Crag in the distance
Green & Great Gable
Brandreth, Green Gable & Great Gable
We reach Black Sail youth hostel where for 50p a cup of tea was welcomed
Crossing the River Liza here
Zooming in on Green & Great Gable
Brandreth & Green Gable
Great Gable & Kirk Fell
Crag & Bess
Anne, Karen & Ian (& Crag) at our lunch spot
Andy, Karen & Ian
A fixed point photo taken on the way back
It was a lovely walk & the rain pretty much stayed off. Great to see Anne & Ian again & thanks Anne for many of the above pictures

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