Monday, August 09, 2010

Bess's 10th Birthday

Today is Bess's 10th birthday & we decided to have a party!! Well we made her a cake from minced beef & veg filled with streaky bacon & chicken with peanut butter topping & Bakers rewards as candles It might not make masterchef but someone seemed to like it
Benny bought Shadow round & she seemed happy with the cake
Along with Crag
And the birthday girl
And she got a handmade card
Happy Birthday BESS.


Anne&Ian said...

Many Happy Returns.
We remember you as a tiny puppy able to scrape under the fence in Ickford, and the day you first met your old friend Charlie.

You have a world wide fan club ! Only 3 years until you are a teenager.
Anne and Ian

David and Adrian said...

Happy Birthday Bess ! That cake looks fantastic..... lucky I wasn't there would have been another to share it with.